Issues and Exceptions

Manage issues from audits, assessments, and integrations

Automated Tracking of Issues, Exceptions, Plans, and Tasks

Get ahead of to-do's and know what's been done.

With bidirectionally syncing capabilities, keep the issues, exceptions, plans, and tasks always synced with your client’s IT Service Management tool. 


Connect to manage

Whether it’s Vendor Risk, Cloud security, or a Vulnerability management tool, connect with API keys to enrich your GRC with risk-contextualized issues.


AI Recommendations to findings or issues

Automatically get recommendations for findings and issues. AI-generated recommendations for each issue is tailored to your controls, risk, and GRC configurations.

Monitoring Issues

Create action plans to remedy issues

Enable your organization to capture necessary information about the action plan and tasks, send it for approval, and distribute it to task owners. Once the remediation plans are implemented, control the outcome by approving, closing, rejecting, or extending plans.

Implement Plans

Record the progress of plans and tasks

Monitor the progress of plans, and once completed, have the option to approve from relevant authorities.

Manage Exceptions

Take exceptions with confidence

Exceptions are readily available to be assined to issues and risks, and granted based on business function. Automated alerts to exception owners and action owners are sent from the platform, reminding them of upcoming exception expiry. Owners are empowered to choose to renew or close an exception.

Dashboard and Reporting

Gain org-wide visibility into the issues

Use out of box dashboards to drill down into the issues based on role. Drill down to view multiple issues and plans, and define the parameters for customized views and reports. 

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